Browse 67 ibm 360 stock photos and images available, or search for computer keyboard or motherboard to find more great stock photos and pictures 1960s CONTROL PANEL OF IBM 360 DATA SYSTEM COMPUTERS Ibm 360 Mainframe Computer 1960s TWO MEN TECHNICIANS WORKING IN IBM 360 MAINFRAME COMPUTER ROOM Ibm 360 Mainframe ComputerSystem/360 Model 50 Click to enlarge Announced and withdrawn The IBM System/360 Model 50 had approximately ten times the internal power of the Model 30 when performing a mix of computations It was the most powerful unit in the medium price range with communication facilitiesTwo men working on an IBM 360/40 Catalog Number Type Still Image Description Black and white Two men in jacket and tie, one sitting, one sitting at keyboard, at IBM 360 Image is blurry and grainy Light is coming from overhead ceiling Below image in black lettering is "V9113" Stamped in red ink on verso side of image is "FOR

Ibm System 360 Wikipedia
Ibm 360/40
Ibm 360/40- Enabled realtime operation by multiple users The IBM System/360 (S/360) is a mainframe computer system family announced by IBM on It was the first family of computers designed to cover the complete range of applications, from small to large, both commercial and scientific(2) observing the behavior of a model during simulation;

The IBM System/360 Model 30 was a lowend member of the IBM System/360 family It was announced on , shipped in 1965, and withdrawn on The Model 30 was designed by IBM's General Systems Division in Endicott, New York, and manufactured in Endicott and other IBM manufacturing sites outside of US At first each bank was processed separately on the IBM 1410 Later, after the application was rewritten, all banks for each shift could be processed together on the IBM 360/40 All the reports were sent back to the various banks by ground courier The distant bank couriers picked up the output between 1100 PM and 100 AMThe IBM System/360 Model 91 at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center here, is the fastest, most powerful computer now in user operation It is specifically designed to handle ultrahighspeed data processing for scientific applications such as space exploration, theoretical astromony, subatomic physics and global weather forecasting
An IBM was used at Stanford Hospital for accounting starting This panel was on display and returned to the CHM in July 02 An early was used at SLAC Medical School used one from 1966 to 1973 IBM System/360 Model 40 The Model 40 was a popular midrange model, more powerful than the Model 30 It typically rented for about $9,000$17,000 per month and brought IBM over a billion dollars in revenue by 1972 For improved performance, the Model 40 used a twobyte datapath (unlike the Model 30, which handled data one byte at a time)The IBM System/360 Model 40 had approximately three times the internal power of the Model 30 when performing a mix of computations It was a powerful standalone system in the medium price range with communication facilities Typical arithmetic operations per second
And (3) editing output formats and modifying the model IBM System/360 Model 40 The Model 40 was a popular midrange computer for scientific and commercial applications and was one of IBM's most profitable computers It typically rented for about $9,000$17,000 per month and brought IBM over a I starated programming back in 1968 on an IBM360 Model 30, then Sperry Univac 90/60, and IBM 360/40 I have an RPG layout guide card that you could put on a listing and determine if you were off by a column Anybody know a Blog for old mainframes like me?

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Before there was SLAC, Stanford operated a linear accelerator in the Hansen Applied Physics lab, HEPL That lab had a fairly large, but nearly unique IBM computer, an IBM 7700 data aquistion systemMuch later Stanford Hospital obtained its own IBM Stanford Applied Physics Laboratory IBM 7700, 1964?1974? "The first company I worked for was using an IBM 360/40 too I remember being an operator and we could only run 3 jobs at a time, 3 partitions, F1, F2, and BG If someone accidentally hit enter on the console when it was waiting for a reply your job usually failed The log console was the fore runner of the IBM Selectric typewriter as I recall

Ibm System 360 Model 44 Wikipedia

Ibm System 360 Wikipedia
With a IBM 360/40 computing system and is currently using an IBM 370/145 system Jackson State University is the central site for the Network The purpose of the Network included providing appropriate equipment with accompanying educational effort, so as to allow eachThe IBM 360/40 will provide the division with instantaneous information in the fields of supply, personnel, maintainance and financial data Units within the division will have access to this data via teleprocessing terminals (as described in the article electronic TVlike apparatus linked directly to the computer's memory)The first central computer, an IBM 360/40 mainframe, was installed at the Patrol in April 1969 Two months later, computer operations were placed in the newly created Data Processing Division, with Charlie Bernskoetter named as director Located in the basement of


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>I remember compiling PL/1 in a 64k partition on a IBM 360/40 many years >ago but have heard little of it in recent times In recent years, IBM has produced PL/I compilers for OS/2, AIX, and Windows 95 and NT The OS/2 compiler at least is fairly compatible with the mainframe versionsIBM to the IBM Terminate the lease of the IBM at the earliest practicable date Convert the business programs to operate in a time shared batchprocessing mode by July 1971 In September 1970 JPL prepared a twophase*implementa tion schedule for the conversion of the business programs to I wrote my first program (a prime number generator) using Fortran on the IBM 360/40 mainframe computer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo I still can't believe that this fall it will have been 41 years

Ibm System 360 Model 50 Wikipedia

Iconic Consoles Of The Ibm System 360 Mainframes 55 Years Old
I recently acquired this front panel from an IBM 360 mod 50, with lots of switches and over 250 blinkenlights The IBM System/360 was an iconic mainframe comPART # THIS IS EXCESS THAT IN GENERAL WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WE DO OUR BEST TO REPRESENT EVERYTHING AS WE SEE IT BELOW IS OUR DEFINITIONS OF CONDITION THIS ITEM IS UNUSED GOVT SURPLUSSystem in the photo (top right) appears to be an IBM 360/40 Can anyone confirm and maybe provide further details?

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The program runs on an IBM 360/40 computer and is intended to provide a convenient means of (1) describing a model via chemical equations;Article describes the 3rd Inf Div Data Center and its IBM 360/40 computer at Larson Barracks, Kitzingen 3rd Administration Company Organization of the 3rd Administration Company, mid1960s 3rd Administration Co DUI (1) (1) As an noncolor bearing unit (NCBU), 3rd Admin wore the 3rd Infantry Division DUIIn 1980, IBM 360/40 was installed at Rakuhoku campus It was the second mainframe computer since TOSBAC 3400 We started to install the machine which was arrived in late afternoon I remember it took all night to putting together parts and set up the machine

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He is understandably proud he worked to create a clone of the IBM 360/40 in 1970, a Cold War coup Later, he worked on duplicating the IBM 370 and 1040 mainframe families, and the DEC PDP lineLEAP 360 written in IBM Basic Assembler Language (BAL);Submissions to Scholars Junction are closed as we migrate to a new platform Toggle navigation Login Toggle navigation

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Ibm System 360 Model 25 Wikipedia
Here is just a few surviving pages from the Development Manual for the IBM System 360 Model 40, the midrange machine in the extremely successful System/360 mainframe computer series Different hardware models designed in different IBM locations all ran the same instruction set and were plugcompatible across the range of peripheralsIBM 360/40 számítógép központi egység The most widely used model was the middlerange Model 40, with integrated circuits The machine, just like its companion systems is universal with respect to applications, as it can be used for commercial, technical or scientific, as well as remote data processing and even process control purposesAn acquisitions control procedure at the University of New Mexico Library of the Medical Sciences is described Using an IBM 360/40, a program has been written to keep the acquisitions section and the administration apprised of the status of materials ordered or donated to the library Future modifications of the program are also described


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I'm retired since 06 as a Web Master from Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WIThe IBM System/360 Model 91 was announced in 1964 as a competitor to the CDC 6600 Functionally, the Model 91 ran like any other largescale System/360, but the internal organization was the most advanced of the System/360 line, and it was the first IBM computer to support outoforder instruction execution It ran OS/360 as its operating system It was designed to handleThe second is a complex of three IBM 360/40's and one 360/30, operated by the Systems Management Branch of the Automation Division, NMC, and located on the third floor ("upstairs") of the same wing The 195 complex is one of the world's largest and fastest systems It was

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Ibm Hursley Park Museum
Operates on an IBM 360/40 computer under DOS from disc with card 110 LEAPFORT written in level 'E' FORTRAN IV language;In late 1979, as part of the Corps Interim Upgrade System (CIUS), ACSAC replaced the IBM 360/40 computers at four corps headquarters with the new vanmounted IBM mobile computers Replacement of the fifth system at Fort Lee, Virginia, followed in January 1980Operates on a user computer with 32K memory, 24 bit word size and a level 'E' FORTRAN IV compiler The LEAP system is easily modified to operate with dif

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Photos Looking Back To The Birth Of The Ibm Mainframe Page 9 Techrepublic
IBM by Ron Mak The IBM System/360 Model 30 IBM dominated the computer industry after introducing the System/360 computers in 1964 The 360 was not just one machine, but a series of upwardcompatible machines designed to span the full circle (hence the name "360") from commercial data processing to scientific applicationsA Computer Examination Compositor for the IBM 360/40 Brown, Willard A Educational and Psychological Measurement, 32, 1, 1992, Spr 72Records were stored in an IBM batch records system Alumni relations began to flourish With the creation of the combined Office of Development and Public Information, Western placed an increased emphasis on private fundraising The Western Foundation was created in 1966 to serve as the college's fundraising arm, along with alumni

Ibm 360 High Resolution Stock Photography And Images Alamy

Ibm System 360 Wikipedia
IBM System/360 Models 30, 40, 50, 65 and 75 for fast, efficient data handling and computing input/output devices specifically chosen for the scientific user including data storage devices and visual display unitsAlso looking for information on where the DDC was located on Monteith and for photos of the building and vans 1985 (Source IRONSIDES, ) 1st Armored Division was the first USAREUR division to receive the Unit LevelA Computer Examination Compositor for the IBM 360/40 Brown, Willard A Educational Technology, 13, 3, 1516, Mar 73

Ibm System 360 Wikipedia

Computers In Viet Nam What Did You Guys Do Dan Lam Bao
The IBM System/360 Model 40 was a midrange member of the IBM System/360 family It was announced on , shipped in 1965, and withdrawn onWhile one IBM computer at the 16th DPU is busy meeting VII Corps' supply needs, a smaller IBM computer is dedicated almost entirely to supporting the personnel system Maj Steven R Edwards, 16th DPU commander, stated that, "The principal customer that the 16th DPU supports with the IBM is the 38th Personnel andIBM 360/40 (manufacturing computers) 1972 IBM 370/155 1973 IBM 370/145 * 1974 Head Office and plant manufacturing computers integrated (plants' IBM 360/40 manufacturing computers returned) 1978 IBM 3033 1981 FACOM M0 * 19 IBM 3081 1984

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